Cryin Time hasn't had much news in the last few years. Yes, the band is still "together", but we haven't been actively playing. It is extremely sad in itself that it sometimes takes a devastatingly sad event to bring people together. Harold Finnegan, our friend and bandmate, has recently passed away. He has certainly gone on to a much better place, but those of us grieving our loss hang on to our memories of Harry, and find that they alone are not enough to get us through. Many of Harry's friends and bandmates who came together to see him off hadn't seen each other, or Harry, in years. Unfortunately, we can't undo time lost, so we're going to do what our hearts tell us to do in such a situation. We are going to celebrate our dear friend Harry's life with a musical tribute.
Harold was our original drummer in Cryin Time. He was also a talented carpenter, a perfectionist, a creator of ideas, a heavy-hitting drummer, a great person to talk with, a generous guy with a heart of gold, and a loving father of two beautiful girls. If you miss Harry too, or don't know what this is all about but are interested to know more, please keep track of this webpage! It's still early in planning, but we'll be annoucing a tribute concert to raise money to benefit the family that Harry leaves behind. Anything else we set up on the web will be linked-to from here as well.